Although earlier incarnations of this little race series were unofficial affairs, some participants wanted a bit more recognition than simply the sound of crickets at the end of the Plain 100 to commemorate their accomplishment. So, in an attempt to be forward-thinking and to make sure people know the nature of their competition, we offer the following Rules, Regulations, Suggestions, and Outright Prevarications by which the Washington Grand Slam will be run:
- Entrants are required to an have accepted entry into Cascade Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run Lottery, or high enough on the lottery waitlist to enter the slam
- Entrants in the Cascade Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run’s Lottery waitlist will notify the Washington State Grand Slam Committee via email with their intention to run the slam, they must also register and pay the $50 slam fee prior to 3/27/2014
- Entrants will sign up for all the events in the slam, no special “lottery” or entry considerations will be made for slam participants, so sign up early
- Entrants are required to finish the following 4 events to be considered a Washington State Grand Slam “Official Finisher”:
- Badger Mountain Challenge 100 Mile Endurance Run
- Lumberjack 100 Mile Endurance Run
- Cascade Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run
- Plain 100 Mile Endurance Run
- Entrants finishing any of the Pigtail Challenge Races, 100 miles or longer, in addition to the 4 listed above will be considered a Washington State Grand Slam W/Ham “Official Finisher” and Generally Badass Lad/Lass
- Entrants will abide by all race rules, qualifications, and cut off times at all events
- Entrants will be cordial and demonstrate good sportsmanship while at all events
- Entrants must register and pay the $50 slam fee prior to 3/15/2014 to be considered an “Official Finisher” of the Washington State Grand Slam or Washington State Grand Slam W/Ham.
- Entrants may receive a full refund (minus UltraSignup’s fees) any time prior to 3/27/2014 if a dated email is sent to the Washington State Grand Slam Committee
- Entrants awaiting entry into Cascade Crest 100 mile Endurance Run via the lottery waitlist may receive a 50% refund (minus UltraSignup’s fees) after 3/27/2014 and prior to 8/1/2014
- No refunds will be allowed after 3/27/2014 for ”entrants awaiting entry into Cascade Crest 100 mile Endurance Run via the lottery waitlist” who received an acceptance email into Cascade Crest 100 mile Endurance Run from Ultrasignup or Cascade Crest 100 mile Endurance Run Officials
- “Official Finishers” of the Washington State Grand Slam or Washington State Grand Slam W/Ham will receive a free entry from Skagit Runners into the Baker Lake 50k where the awards ceremony will take place following Plain 100 Mile Endurance Run
- Typically Baker Lake 50k is 3 weeks after Plain 100. A special award will be finished during this time frame and presented sometime after the last Washington State Grand Slam or Washington State Grand Slam W/Ham finishes running Baker Lake 50k
- It is our intention that all “Official Finishers” either run Baker Lake 50k or volunteer at Baker Lake 50k. We would like the entire group at the race and awards ceremony.
- “Official Finishers” that can’t make Baker Lake 50k do have the option to have their award, shirt, and swag mailed but it will be at the “Official Finishers” expense
*It is not our intent to turn a profit on these registration fees. We are just looking to bring in enough to provide participants with a nice trophy and some keepsakes that enhance the inevitable swagger that will come from their accomplishment.
Registration will open soon on Ultrasignup.
If you plan on running the Washington State Grand Slam or Washington State Grand Slam W/Ham please inform us via email.
Terry Sentinella (The guy who knows about awards & swag)
Matt Hagen (The guy with a goofy prose style)
The WA slam was originally the 4 100s before Pigtails. Then there was Pigtails…hence “with ham”. As such, to me, the slam is specifically the 4 races races: Badger, Lumberjack, Cascade and Plain. That is the only true “without ham”. It seems inconsistent to allow otherwise. And part of what makes the slam what it is, to me, is the difficulty of finishing Plain so quickly after Cascade.
Well we moved Plain100 one week later this year September 17. This should give Cascade & Wasatch a bit more recovery time… Not enough but a bit more. Tim Dehnhoff, Co-RD Plain Endurance Runs.
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